Welcome to CoOlMe 2021

This conference was organised by the French national research network on Cold Atoms ("GdR Atomes Froids”) as its main annual event.

In the spirit of our network, the main goal of this conference was to offer to the French and worldwide community a snapshot of some of the most exciting developments in the field of cold atoms, via a series of invited talks delivered by distinguished speakers (from France and the rest of the world).

The conference was fully held online from 9 am (Paris time) of Wednesday, Nov. 17th to 6 pm of Friday, Nov. 19th, 2021.

We planned an online poster session, welcoming scientific contributions from the French and international community.

The talk recordings can be found here.

Important dates

Registration / abstract submission opened on: Sept. 6th, 2021

Abstract submission for posters closed on: Nov. 2nd, 2021

Registration closed on: Nov. 14th, 2021


Program committee

Thomas Bourdel (Palaiseau, F)

Carlos Garrido Alzar (Paris, F)

Mathilde Hugbart (Nice, F)

Robin Kaiser (Nice, F)

Anna Minguzzi (Grenoble, F)

Hélène Perrin (Villetaneuse, F)

Tommaso Roscilde (Lyon, F)



William Guerin & Robin Kaiser (Nice, F)

To contact us: coolme2021@sciencesconf.org


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